Afreekanam is a pioneering contemporary dance troupe from Dakar. The troupe's hybrid style seeks to reflect an urban reality where global info-culture informs rapid stylistic appropriation, while remaining rooted in traditional dance forms from West Africa. In the years since its conception, Afreekanam has advanced a lyrical street style integrating Wolof Sabar, Sufi / Baye Fall ritual, and Guinéen ballet with influences from the martial arts (capoeira & kung fu), break dance, and hip-hop. Working with choreography set to original musical scores and played by a live band, the group seeks to create a theatrical and improvisatory experience, revealed in fluid interaction between musicians and dancers.
Afreekanam has performed widely at festivals such as Al Mawred Al Thaqafy - Spring Festival, The World Festival of Black Arts (FESMAN), Dak’Art Biennale of Contemporary African Art, Duo Solo, and Kaay Fecc, as well as in numerous music videos and on-stage collaborations with some of Senegal’s leading musical artists such as Didier Awadi and Daara J Family. In 2011, the group produced an original showcase event at the British Council, collaborating with local fashion designers for a runway-meets-dancefloor theatrical mash-up telling the story of colonial-era revolutionaries in Senegal. Presently, Afreekanam is spearheading an urban culture initiative in Dakar in partnership with the European Union and Centre Culturel Blaise Senghor entitled Sunu Street.
Luxus Live provides management and international booking services for Afreekanam.